Welcome to A Life Examined

What is the examined life? A life worth living! As I look at the road ahead, I take all the baggage from the past and use it as experience - the pain and the passion, the sorrow and the joy - allowing it to carve wisdom into my mind and hope into my spirit.
There is no experience that can't be useful to me at some point in my life. There is no lesson learned that cannot make a contribution to the future.
A tiny drop of water is a part of the ocean. A tiny speck in the night sky is a ginormous star in the distance. It all depends on perspective.
So, this examined life is to offer reflections in the hope of discussing things which are of value to myself and to others.
Love, Sarah

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Press Release: results of FREE TO BE Pre-launch

On Saturday 10th December the pre-launch was held for the soon-to-be released book FREE TO BE, a personal growth book written for those who wish to remove their social masks and feel as secure in public as they do alone. This book is targeted to build in the reader an overcoming spirit -- to overcome the insecurity, worry, fear that plagues us. Her bold claim is that in following the steps she has followed and outlined, any of us can become "free to be".

The pre-launch was held in the Library of Bethel Church, Johnson Street in Kingston. After the reading of several excerpts, and a brief question-and-answer period, enthusiastic attendees lined up to purchase the book and received their signed copies. Look out for Sarah as she speaks in local venues early in the New Year.

FREE TO BE is published by Essence in Belleville and will be available on general release from 7th April 2012.


God bless,


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